SOBRE is an academic journal published annually that addresses from a complex and multifaceted approach the relationship between the practice of art and architecture with those media, means and spaces serving to publish, distribute and communicate it, both in academic and professional spheres, as well as in society in general.
This journal arises within the SOBRE-LAB working group, linked to the University of Granada (Spain). Its purpose is to bring together researchers, artists and critics and offer them a space to publish their recent works in the journal's field of interest.

Continuously open call for original articles - CAMPO Section


SOBRE is journal published annually that addresses from a complex and multifaceted perspective the relationship between the practice of art and architecture- and its modes and production systems - with structures, means and devices serving to distribute and communicate in academic and professional spheres, as well as in society in general.

The received papers will be subjected to anonymous review (double-blind peer system).

Articles will be accepted until September 15th of each year, for publication in the following year's issue.

Vol. 10 (2024)

Digital Media II

Guest Editors: Ethel Baraona, Davide Tommaso Ferrando y Manuel "Saga" Sánchez García

Cover: "Digital Promenade", Mayte Gómez Molina.


Published: 2024-01-31

Table of contents

Editorial SOBRE_N10

  • Editor Sobre
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 5-6

Vague Digital Identities

Concealment Identities on the Network

  • Claudia González
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 7-17

Creation and Experimentation with Critical Interfaces in Arts and Education

  • Sergio Martínez Luna
  • Santiago Morilla
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 19-29

Close Encounters with the Digital Architecture Archive

Ecologies and Media for a Feminist Approach

  • José Parra-Martínez
  • Asunción Díaz-García
  • Ana Gilsanz-Díaz
  • María-Elia Gutiérrez-Mozo
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 31-45

New Spaces for the Diffusion of Webcomics

Instagram as a Platform for Editing and Promotion

  • María Abellán Hernández
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 47-56


Artistic context on the web

  • Jose Eiras Martínez
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 73-82

Memories Between Architecture and Cinema

A Glimpse into the Webapp Cinemapp.Net

  • Iván Rincón-Borrego
  • Eusebio Alonso-García
  • Sara Pérez Barreiro
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 83-96

Becoming-with, Encounters in an Augmented Garden

Architecture as Inhabitable Media Object

  • Cenk Güzelis
  • Anna Pompermaier
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 97-108

Data Mnemosyne

  • Clara Boj
  • Diego Díaz
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 109-135

Apologies for my late response

  • Sonia Fernández Pan
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 143-148


Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 220-223

Bread and Uprising

  • Valeria Mata
Published: Jan 31, 2024
Pages 224-229
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