ISSN-e: 1134-4032
DOI: 10.30827/relieve

About the Journal
RELIEVE is the first electronic journal in Spain (conceived in 1994), it is academically oriented and completely free. Its main financial backer is its parent organisation, AIDIPE (Inter-university Association of Pedagogical Research) and it is included in the University of Granada’s collection of scientific journals. It is a communication tool for the educational community, particularly in the areas of research and educational evaluation, taking a broad perspective. Two issues are published each year in both Spanish and English. As a means of quality control and to ensure that research aims meet the scope of the journal, all articles submitted for eventual publication in RELIEVE will be evaluated by specialists in the area using a 'double-blind' review approach (guarantying anonymity for authors and reviewers during the publishing process).
Journal Impact Factor (JIF) 2023: 1,3 (Q2)
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) 2023: 0.54
Posición por JCI: 345/756 (Q2, Education & Educational Research)
Fuente: Clarivate Analytics©, Journal Citation Reports®