Research based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Effective Questioning Techniques in Primary Education


  • Amando López Valero Universidad de Murcia
  • Rebeca Valverde Caravaca Universidad de Murcia
  • Eduardo Encabo Fernández



Bilingualism, CLIL, Teaching Methods, Questioning Techniques, Learning processes


This article aims to investigate the success of a testing methodology increasing the quantity of student talking time and the quality of student responses. It made use of a quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent groups and pre-test. Data about teacher students interaction was collected and analysed (using graphics and numerical descriptions for the qualitative data and descriptive statistical analyses and inferential procedures for quantitative data). The results showed that the treatment increased the content knowledge the cognitive processing and the students’ participation. Furthermore, the study confirmed the importance for teachers to learn to optimise the methods of using questions.


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How to Cite

López Valero, A. ., Valverde Caravaca, R., & Encabo Fernández, E. . (2020). Research based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Effective Questioning Techniques in Primary Education. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (33), 63–74.


