Communication strategies in oral interaction in formal learning contexts: analysis of manuals


  • Olga Merzlikina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)



foreign languages teaching


This article turns around the analysis of communication strategies in oral interaction in the E / LE manuals. A review is made of existing approaches in the treatment of communication strategies and the characteristics of the concepts examined are defined. Despite the numerous studies on communication strategies, many of the questions remain latent, especially those that refer to the essence, desirability and teaching of mentioned strategies, as well as there is no sequence of generally accepted strategic training guidelines that the teacher can apply in the classroom but must adapt to the learning situation some of the multiple teaching models of these strategies. The relevance of the work consists in the development of the analysis template of the communication strategies in the oral interaction activities that allows to describe the most important aspects of the didactics of said strategies. Through this methodology the guidelines for strategic training are analyzed, as well as their importance for the promotion of communicative competence. The results obtained establish the key concepts for the teaching of communication strategies in oral interaction.


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Author Biography

Olga Merzlikina, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow)

Associate Professor, the Department of Foreign Language in Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Moscow (Russia)





How to Cite

Merzlikina, O. (2021). Communication strategies in oral interaction in formal learning contexts: analysis of manuals. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (37), 161–176.


