Vol. 16 No. 4 (2022): (July, 2022)

(July, 2022)

Published: 2022-07-10

Table of contents

Instrumentalization of school problems of mathematics teachers in service

  • María Paz Gazzola
  • María Rita Otero
Published: Jun 17, 2022
Pages 281-307

Scale to measure mathematics teaching capability in practice of pre-service early childhood teacher

  • Raimundo Olfos Ayarza
  • Tatiana Goldrine Godoy
  • Sergio Morales Candia
  • Soledad Estrella
  • Grace Morales Ibarra
  • Amey Pinto Wong
  • Pamela Reyes Santander
Published: Jul 7, 2022
Pages 343-364