ISSN-e: 2524-1133
DOI: 10.30827/retosxxi
About the Journal
The Educational Journal of Works Aimed at the XXI century (XXI CHALLENGES) is intended to be the national scientific journal in the Panamanian educational field, although it has a strong affluence and influence in foreign contexts, being its editorial and scientific configuration a true reflection. Its institutional patronage is guaranteed by the UTP (Technological University of Panama) and the IPHE (Panamanian Institute for the Disabled) as well as by its scientific coverage of Research Groups GICD (Research in Educative Communication, Spain). Due to this, its structure and patronage takes into account the university and the investigative inclusion as a compilation of knowledge and the institutional and real inclusion of the educational praxis, as its own origin and destination.
Current Issue
Un nuevo número internacional de la revista RETOS XXI, con sensibilidad hacia una educación actual propia del siglo XXI. Un abanico de aportes especializados, utiles para impulsar la educación inclusiva y de calidad que nos demanda las Naciones Unidas en su agenda de 2023, en el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible número 4. "Garantizar una educación inclusiva, equitativa y de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje durante toda la vida para todos”. ¡Adelante, a por el ODS nº 4!
COORDINADORAS DEL MONOGRÁFICO: Dra. Bárbara Marucely Fierro Chong y Dra. Rosa Elvira Alfonso Ramos. Universidad de Matanzas (Cuba)