Design and validation of a Scale Designed to Gather Student Perceptions of the Culture of Assessment as Learning




learning processes, assessment, student-teacher relationship, instrument


Overseeing educational transformation demands a rethink of pedagogical practice according to a more in-depth understanding of learning and assessment as a single formative process. The aim of the present article is to describe the elaboration and validation an instrument that seeks to investigate student perceptions of the culture of assessment as learning. The study is exploratory and descriptive in nature and comprises 505 primary and secondary school students from the region of La Araucanía, Chile. Content validity of the instrument was examined by an expert panel. Further, reliability was determined according to Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient and MacDonald’s Omega indicator, whilst construct analysis included the development of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models. Findings revealed a scale made up of three factors: culture of self-assessment, culture of collaboration and technological culture of learning. The instrument meets requisites for statistical rigour required for its application in the school system. It can be concluded that this instrument contributes to the discussion on the integration of assessment and learning as a single construct. The instrument also contributes redefining assessment practices by providing a reference that encourages self-assessment and reflection on the profound learning opportunities that are provided by schools in the 21st century.


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Author Biographies

Yanire Turra Marín, Catholic University of Temuco

Primary Education Teacher from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Villarrica, Chile; Master in School Management from Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. She is the Headmaster of the School Alberto Córdova Latorre, in Lanco, Chile. Her lines of research are educational assessment and pedagogical leadership. He has taught at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Católica de Temuco and has participated in various research projects funded by national organizations.

Carolina Villagra Bravo, Catholic University Silva Henríquez

Primary Education Teacher from Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile; Master in education with a specialization in Educational Assessment from Universidad de La Frontera, Chile, and Doctor of Innovation on Teacher Training from Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. She is an Associate Academic in the Primary Education Pedagogy career at Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. Her lines of research are educational assessment, leadership, and learning management.

María Mellado Hernández, Catholic University of Temuco

Primary Education Teacher from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Master in Educational Informatics from Universidad de La Frontera, Chile; Doctor in Teacher Formation and Research innovation for Education from Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. She is an Associate Academic in the Department of Childhood and Primary Education at the Faculty of Education, Universidad Católica de Temuco. She is also the director of the Master in School Management program at Universidad Católica de Temuco. Her lines of research are pedagogical leadership; teacher training; educational assessment and school improvement.

Omar Aravena Kenigs, Catholic University of Temuco

Secondary Education Teacher with a specialization in Physical Education from Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile; Master in School Management from Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile, and Doctor of Innovation on Teacher Training from Universidad de Extremadura, Spain. He is an Assistant academic and Director of the Education Sciences department at Universidad Católica de Temuco. He is the academic coordinator of the School Management Master program at Universidad Católica de Temuco. His lines of research are pedagogical leadership, professional teacher development, and educational practice.


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How to Cite

Turra Marín, Y., Villagra Bravo, C., Mellado Hernández, M., & Aravena Kenigs, O. (2022). Design and validation of a Scale Designed to Gather Student Perceptions of the Culture of Assessment as Learning. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(2).



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