Professional identity and psychological capital as determinants of EFL teachers’ burnout: the mediating role of self-regulation




Professional identity, psychological capital, self-regulation, burnout, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), Structural equation modeling


This study delves into the intricate web of relationships among professional identity, psychological capital, self-regulation, and burnout in a cohort of 434 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) educators. Employing validated measures and structural equation modeling, we unravel these critical connections. Professional identity emerges as a robust predictor, significantly linked to reduced burnout. Additionally, psychological capital exerts a positive influence on self-regulation, highlighting its significance within the EFL teaching context. Self-regulation, in turn, negatively impacts burnout. Mediation analysis solidifies the role of self-regulation: it partially mediates the relationship between professional identity and burnout and fully mediates the connection between psychological capital and burnout. This research deepens our comprehension of EFL teaching psychology and carries implications for both practitioners and policymakers.


Author Biography




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How to Cite

FATHI, J., NADERI, M., & SOLEIMANI , H. (2023). Professional identity and psychological capital as determinants of EFL teachers’ burnout: the mediating role of self-regulation. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (2023c), 101–120.



2023c Special Issue "New Trends and Practices in Teacher Professional Development..."