Using movie trailers to enhance both f2f and online language learning outcomes in an EFL speaking class




Movie trailers, speaking, oral communication skills, online language learning, design-based research


This design-based research explored the language learning outcomes of watching movie trailers in a large speaking class offered in both f2f and online learning environments. In this 12-week study, the instruction was f2f for the first four weeks and online for the remaining eight weeks. The data were collected from 58 first-year university students via interviews and subjected to qualitative content analysis. The results indicated that watching trailers stimulated participation and improved speaking, pronunciation as well as learning/recalling vocabulary. Furthermore, movie trailers helped increase their motivation and willingness to communicate. Therefore, it is argued that the movie trailers deliver positive contributions by infusing numerous pedagogical advantages into foreign language curricula, suggesting that it is rewarding to use them in both f2f and online speaking classes.


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How to Cite

Kartal, G., & Yeşilçınar, S. . (2023). Using movie trailers to enhance both f2f and online language learning outcomes in an EFL speaking class. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (39), 93–110.


