In-house CBI materials and English language education




Key words: Content-based Instruction, in-house English Language Teaching (ELT) materials, learner attitudes, teacher attitudes, teacher training


This study aimed to investigate and compare the effects of in-house content-based instruction (CBI) materials and general English course materials on student attitudes toward English language learning together with their impact on student English language development and mastery of academic content. It also focused on the attitudes of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers and departmental faculty members towards CBI materials. Using a mixed-methods research design data were collected from 175 university freshman EFL students, 17 EFL teachers, and seven departmental faculty members from different faculties. The EFL teachers developed their own CBI materials for each academic program. The results indicated that the students viewed the in-house CBI materials more positively than general English course materials. Moreover, the CBI materials also contributed to the students’ English development and mastery of academic content. Finally, both the EFL teachers and lecturers expressed positive attitudes towards the CBI materials.



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How to Cite

Işık, A. (2022). In-house CBI materials and English language education. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (38), 137–158.


