Probing into novice and experienced teachers’ knowledge, perceptions, and practices in the EFL classroom





EFL teacher, novice teacher, experienced teacher, scaffolding


Due to the invaluable role of scaffolding in the language education environment, several language studies to date have been conducted on this construct. However, the role of teaching experience in understanding and implementing scaffolding practices in the English as a foreign language (EFL) context has rarely been explored. To fill this gap, this study investigated novice and experienced EFL teachers’ perceptions, knowledge, and practices of scaffolding in China. In doing so, a questionnaire was completed by 487 Chinese EFL teachers followed by a semi-structured interview with 22 respondents. The results of the thematic analysis revealed that novice and experienced EFL teachers have different perceptions of scaffolding and its practices in the classroom. Moreover, the results of the independent samples t-test revealed a statistically significant difference between novice and experienced EFL teachers’ perceptions, knowledge, and practices of scaffolding in the Chinese context with the experienced group having higher scores. Possible implications for EFL teachers and trainers are discussed to raise their understanding of scaffolding theory and practice.


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Author Biographies



School of Foreign Studies, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450046, Henan China


Graduate School, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128, Shaanxi China


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How to Cite

HUA, Y., & ZHANG, J. (2023). Probing into novice and experienced teachers’ knowledge, perceptions, and practices in the EFL classroom. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (2023c), 81–99.



2023c Special Issue "New Trends and Practices in Teacher Professional Development..."