Preservice Physical Education teachers´ attitudes towards teaching in Foreign Languages. Expectations and training needs




CLIL, Physical Education, Preservice teachers, Pluriligualism, Linguistic Competence


Spanish education authorities are promoting multilingualism through bilingual and multilingual programmes, with an increasing focus on teaching Physical Education (PE) through the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in schools. Although there have been several studies exploring the effects of this interaction, most focus on the perceptions of practising teachers or on the evaluation of bilingual programmes, leaving a gap in relation to initial teacher training. The aim of this quantitative study is to understand prospective PE teachers' perceptions of their training needs and their readiness to teach PE through a FL. For this purpose, a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational design was used involving 160 students in their third and fourth year of the degree course in Primary Education with a specialisation in PE at the University of A Coruña. Data were collected through a quantitative questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that students do not feel competent in the use of a FL and consider that they do not receive sufficient training to use it as a vehicle for instruction in PE. Despite this lack of competence, students do not demand further training in CLIL due to their low perceived proficiency in a FL.


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Author Biographies

Miriam N. García-Núñez, University of A Coruña

She has a degree in Primary Education from the University of Salamanca (Spain),
with a major in Physical Education. She has training in various specialities. In addition, she completed a
Master's Degree in Specific Didactics at the University of La Coruña (Spain). Currently, she is doing her
Doctoral Thesis within the Doctoral Programme in Equity and Innovation in Education at the University of
La Coruña, focusing her thesis on the Integrated Learning of Content and Foreign Language through
Physical Education.

Raúl Fraguela-Vale, University of A Coruña

He is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Specific Didactics and Research Methods at the
University of A Coruna (Spain). He teaches Physical Education and Active Living in the Primary Education Degree, the Specific Didactics Master's Degree and the Secondary Education Teaching Master's Degree (UDC). He coordinates the EUNOIA Research Group: Well-being and Active Life in educational contexts and is a member of the OcioGune Network (Leisure Research Network). He has published in national and international scientific journals on the subject of well-being and active life in educational contexts, leisure education and Physical Education in childhood and youth.

María Bobadilla-Pérez, University of A Coruña

She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Department of Specific Didactics and
Research Methods at the University of A Coruna (Spain). She teaches different courses of Foreign Language Teaching and Bilingual/Plurilingual Education. She received a Ph.D. in Languages and Literature at the State University of New York (2004) and has a Ph.D. in the same area from the University Complutense of Madrid (2006). As an interdisciplinary researcher, her main field of studies are concerned with Second Language Acquisition, Bilingual and Plurilingual Education and Didactics of Language, Literatures and Culture.


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How to Cite

García-Núñez, M. N., Fraguela-Vale, R., & Bobadilla-Pérez, M. (2023). Preservice Physical Education teachers´ attitudes towards teaching in Foreign Languages. Expectations and training needs. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (VII), 25–44.



VII Special Issue. "Physical Education teaching and foreign language learning: academic, psychological and professional teacher variables"