Differences between phonological and orthographic vocabulary knowledge among L1-Spanish learners of English as a foreign language





L2 vocabulary, phonological vocabulary size, orthographic vocabulary size, vocabulary testing, vocabulary teaching


The vocabulary size of language learners might predict their success in a second language because of its strong correlation with better performances in that target language (Zhang & Zhang 2022). Although previous research has claimed that aural and written vocabulary are two aspects of vocabulary knowledge that need to be estimated separately, very few studies have examined this issue from an empirical perspective.

This paper presents the possible differences in size between the phonological and orthographic vocabulary among learners of English as a second language. A bilingual vocabulary test was delivered, first orally and then in writing, to 209 adult learners in Spain. The refined version of the instrument, showed reliabilities ranging between .79 and .92.

Statistical analyses confirm that language learners know fewer words in their aural form than in their written form regardless of the frequency of the word or the learner’s language level. This finding supports the claim that aural and written vocabulary are two separate aspects of knowing a word and impacts on how vocabulary should be taught in L2 classrooms.


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Author Biography

Martín Aoiz Pinillos, Universidad de Navarra

Since 2004, teacher at the Institute of Modern Languages and at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (University of Navarra). 2021, EdD at Sheffield Hallam University (UK): “Vocabulary and listening among L1-Spanish learners – A longitudinal study”. Research interests: language teaching, listening and vocabulary, teaching efficiency, language testing


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How to Cite

Aoiz Pinillos, M. (2024). Differences between phonological and orthographic vocabulary knowledge among L1-Spanish learners of English as a foreign language. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (41), 279–296. https://doi.org/10.30827/portalin.vi41.27594


