Are Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers Ready for CLIL in Catalonia? A Needs Analysis from Stakeholders’ Perspective


  • Laura Pons Seguí University of Barcelona



CLIL, teacher education, CLIL teachers’ competences, training needs, needs analysis


Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an educational approach that has been fostered as a way to increase students’ foreign language competence. However, its implementation has not always come along with the sufficient teacher training. This study aims to examine CLIL teachers’ competences and identify what training needs preservice language teachers have towards these competences. The participants of this study are pre-service primary and secondary foreign language teachers (n=44), CLIL teacher trainers, inspectors and CLIL coordinators (n=18). Peacock’s (2009) questionnaire is used to analyse pre-service teachers’ training needs towards language, self-reflection, methodological and classroom management competences. A semi-structured interview is used to elicit stake-holders’ perceptions towards CLIL teachers’ competences and training needs. The quantitative data shows that stakeholders believe that language, methodological and classroom management competences are equally necessary for a CLIL teacher. Apart from the initial domains analysed, participants consider that content knowledge and teamwork, interschool collaboration and material development competences are also relevant. In addition, training needs relative to these competences are found. However, considerable deep training needs for methodology and foreign language competence are identified. The findings have implications for CLIL teacher education.


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How to Cite

Pons Seguí, L. . (2020). Are Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers Ready for CLIL in Catalonia? A Needs Analysis from Stakeholders’ Perspective. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (33), 279–295.


