Linguistic attitudes of foreign university students of Spanish as a foreign language to- ward Andalusian linguistic modality. Cognitive, affective and behavioural components


  • Rafael Crismán-Pérez Universidad de Cádiz
  • Isabel Núñez-Vázquez Universidad de Cádiz



linguistic attitudes, affectivity, cognition, Spanish as a foreign language, Andalusian linguistic modality


Much research about linguistic attitudes came from the concepts status and solidarity in order to analyze attitudes of students of Spanish as L1 toward Andalusian linguistic modality. These studies confirmed there is a relationship between the variables situation and grammatical knowledge, then the higher grammatical knowledge is, the higher discrimination among these language uses in formal communicative situations takes place. The present research analyzed if this relationship arises in students of Spanish as a foreign language. Thus, the research turned around the relationships between the attitude toward specific linguistic uses aligned to Andalusian linguistic modality in different communicative situations and the grammatical knowledge of this modality in 173 foreign university students of Spanish as a Foreign Language. The results from a correlational and simple linear regression analysis indicated a positive relationship between both variables, being the identification of these uses more frequent in an informal situation and determined by grammatical


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How to Cite

Crismán-Pérez, R. ., & Núñez-Vázquez, I. . (2020). Linguistic attitudes of foreign university students of Spanish as a foreign language to- ward Andalusian linguistic modality. Cognitive, affective and behavioural components. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (33), 201–216.


