Synthetic Phonics in Spanish bilingual education: Spelling mistakes analysis




methodology, writing, learning, spelling, English


Reading and writing in English from early ages is both a need and a must. The search of an effective learning methodology to teach early literacy has made the application of the Synthetic Phonics method to expand, regardless of the lack of agreement concerning its results. This study is aimed at showing whether this method is effective or not in bilingual educational centres of Madrid (Spain), focussing on the written skills of 640 students, aged 8-9. The errors committed in a 15-frequenly-used-word dictation have been classified according to Corder’s taxonomy. The non-parametric statistic results show that there are differences in the errors made by the students without specific method instruction (less errors) compared to those students with Synthetic Phonics instruction. However, these differences have lower level of association and do not indicate a relevant direction. Therefore, it could be concluded that Synthetic Phonics does not seem to guarantee an efficient learning of spelling for the Spanish students. There is a need to adapt the Synthetic Phonics method for learners from bilingual schools, as well as to investigate the efficiency of other methodologies to teach writing in English at early stages of literacy.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Antropova, Universidad Villanueva

Ph.D. in English Literature. Professor at Education Department, Universidad Villanueva. She teaches subjects related to bilingualism and second language teaching in Education Degree and Masters of the training of foreign language teachers. She was also the Coordinator of the English department in a bilingual school, Madrid. She is currently doing counselling in second language teaching at schools, as well as giving training courses in second language teaching methodologies.

Rafael Carrasco Polaino, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Ph.D. in Journalism. Professor at the Journalism and New Media Department, Universidad Complutense of Madrid. His field of research has been social media through network service analysis (ARS) and statistical analysis since his research stay Media Innovation Lab in Vienna University. He has implied the abovementioned methodologies to a wide array of studies which were published in different high impact journeys. Member of various international and national competitive research projects.

Juana María Anguita Acero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Ph.D. in Educational Sciences, MA in the Teaching of Spanish as Foreign Language and in Bilingual Education. Degrees in Translation and Interpreting, in English Studies, and in Primary Education Teaching. Expert in intercultural education, migratory movements, bilingualism, and the teaching of English as a foreign language. She has worked and collaborated with different universities. At the present time she is a researcher and professor at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.


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How to Cite

Antropova, S., Carrasco Polaino, R., & Anguita Acero, J. M. (2023). Synthetic Phonics in Spanish bilingual education: Spelling mistakes analysis. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (39), 299–314.


