Mobile assisted language learning: scope, praxis and theory


  • Pascual Pérez-Paredes Universidad de Murcia
  • Danyang Zhang Shenzhen University, China



MALL, language learning, socially contextualized MALL, self-directed language learning, technology


Mobile assisted language learning (MALL) research has been characterized by an overemphasis on technology, while the wide variety of approaches to the uses of mobiles has painted an atomized picture of L2 instruction. This paper discusses various conceptualizations of MALL that favour areas of language learning that are anchored on different theories of learning and language learning. Drawing on the seminal work by Traxler (2018, 2019), as well as on research that has examined self-directed uses, the use of apps and Augmented Reality (AR) in MALL, the authors contend that it is essential to shift our focus away from device-oriented pedagogies to more socially situated practices that take stock of new ecologies of language use. We contend that the research field is in search of a wider theoretical perspective in the context of SLA and language education that explores what we label here as socially contextualized MALL.



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Author Biographies

Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Universidad de Murcia

Pascual Pérez-Paredes is Professor in English Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at the University of Murcia. His research interests include CALL, learner language variation, corpora in language education and corpus-assisted discourse analysis. He is currently assistant editor of Cambridge University Press ReCALL journal.

Danyang Zhang, Shenzhen University, China

Danyang Zhang is an Assistant Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Shenzhen University. She studied her PhD and graduated from University of Cambridge, and her research interests include second language acquisition and technology-enhanced language learning. Danyang has published her work in Applied Linguistics and Computer Assisted Language Learning. She is the winner of the BJET Best EdTech Paper Award and mLearn 2019 Best Paper Award, and the doctoral scholarship recipient of GLoCALL 2019 and mLearn 2019.




How to Cite

Pérez-Paredes, P., & Zhang, D. (2022). Mobile assisted language learning: scope, praxis and theory. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 11–25.


