Digital storytelling as a Study Abroad Project in Spanish: learnings, difficulties and changes




Digital Storytelling, SLA, Multiliteracies, creativity, Study Abroad


This study explores university students’ perceptions about creating a digital story about their Study Abroad (SA) experience. The process is inspired by the autobiographical model proposed by Story Center ( with some adaptations to the Spanish as a second language (L2) context. The topic of the project focuses on intercultural and/or target language learning discovery narratives. This study collects data through two questionnaires completed by 162, 98 and 46 volunteer participants (before the project, after and in both cases). Although motivation was the main initial emotion, inexperience with video editing tools generated an attitude of stress in some students that interfered with perception of an opportunity for learning. This result matches a significantly higher time spent in editing than in writing, the essential task of the digital storytelling process. Findings showed a more positive final perception. Different learnings are analyzed in relation to (a) linguistic-communicative, both in oral and written expression, (b) social and (c) biografical and identity sense-making aspects.


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Author Biography

Iranzu Peña-Pascual , ILCE - Universidad de Navarra

Lecturer and SLA researcher at the Spanish Language and Culture Institute (ILCE), University of Navarre (Spain), she has been teaching a variety of Spanish courses for fifteen years while collaborating in the MA Program of Spanish as a Second Language Teaching. She is doing her PhD on digital storytelling and its potential for second language narratives as a meaningful practice. Her interests are related to the use of metaphor, multimodality and creativity in second language contexts.



How to Cite

Peña-Pascual , I. (2022). Digital storytelling as a Study Abroad Project in Spanish: learnings, difficulties and changes . Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 173–192.


