Adult students’ perceptions on positive and ambivalent emotions during foreign language learning


  • Irene Acosta-Manzano Universidad de Málaga



percepciones, emociones, alumnado, educación de adultos, aprendizaje de lenguas.


Research on emotions is still scarce in the field of adult foreign language learning. For this reason, a qualitative study was carried out to investigate the emotions that adult students feel during the foreign language (FL) learning process. A total of 39 learners of six languages volunteered to be interviewed. They were all-level students from 10 State Language Schools. The data were analyzed through a thematic analysis. This study examined positive and ambivalent emotions, the instances when these occur and what triggers them. The results indicate that positive emotions are mainly caused by the good environment encouraged through artistic, participative, dynamic, and fun tasks, along with personal satisfaction and enrichment. Ambivalent emotions are related to the dynamics between effort and enjoyment, which implies personal growth, as in the case of speaking tasks. This study contributes to expanding research on the role of emotions in FL learning in adult population segments that are not usually included in investigations.


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Author Biography

Irene Acosta-Manzano, Universidad de Málaga

Irene Acosta-Manzano es estudiante de doctorado en el Programa de lingüística, literatura y traducción en la Universidad de Málaga (España). Graduada en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidad de Granada (España), realizó el doble Máster De Profesorado y Estudios Ingleses, Comunicación Multilingüe e Intercultural en la Universidad de Málaga (España). Actualmente, es docente de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas de Andalucía. Sus intereses científicos se centran en las emociones en el aprendizaje de lengua extranjera.


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How to Cite

Acosta-Manzano, I. (2021). Adult students’ perceptions on positive and ambivalent emotions during foreign language learning. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (36), 43–64.


