Incidence and Impact of the Blended Learning Model in Amazonian Indigenous Communities in Peru




entrepreneurship, sustainable development, education for work, Shawi ethnicity, gender equality


The purpose of this research is to describe the incidence and impact of the Educational Model that is applied in the Rural Training Centers in Alternation (CRFA).  We try to answer how young people and adolescents of the Shawi-Perú Amazonian indigenous community value the functionality of learning at work.  The information is collected through three categories; the first, making known the integration, transformation, and functionality of the knowledge acquired by the students; the second, the repercussion and concretion of the new knowledge in the Shawi families and the third, the contribution of the CRFA to the development and improvement of the quality of life of the Shawi community.  The methodology is quantitative; the population is made up of students, former students, pedagogical staff, and collaborators. The applied instrument consisted of 41 indicators, whose Cronbach's Alpha parameter yielded a reliability of 0.957; likewise, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, identifying that the sample does not follow a normal distribution; therefore, to analyze the information obtained from the four educational agents, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied. The results indicate that learning contributes to improving the quality of life of families and the sustainable development of the Shawi community.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Augusto Zapata Esteves, University of Piura

PhD in Research on Teaching-Learning in Mathematics awarded by the University of Extremadura, Spain. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education, specialising in Mathematics and Physics, with a second specialty in Educational Management. Also has a Master’s in education with special mention in Mathematics and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Sciences with special mention in Industrial Engineering (University of Piura-Peru). He is a lecturer at the University of Piura and acts as director of Extension, having previously acted as director of Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Education Sciences at the University of Piura-Peru. He is a member of the International Group for Research and Reflection on Blended Learning (GIIRA), attached to Sherbrooke University (Canada). He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Ibero-American Network on Specialized Knowledge in Mathematics Teachers (Ibero-American Network MTSK).

Hugo Vidal Centurión Cárdenas, University of Piura

PhD student in Humanities with special mention in Culture at the University of Piura – Peru. He is a visiting lecturer at the Graduate Schools of the National University of Piura and the National University of Cajamarca – based at Jaen. He is a member of the College of Engineers of Peru, director of the Civil Association ProRural and promoter of blended learning education in Peru. He is director of Programs and Projects for teacher training at rural blended learning training centres in Peru (CRFA) and has been an ally of the on-site CRFA serving students from the Shawi ethnic group (Loreto, Peru) since 2016.    He is the South American representative on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Family Rural Training Movements – AIMFR, whilst also being a teacher in the pedagogical team serving AIMFR and a member of the International Group for Research and Reflection on Blended Learning (GIIRA), attached to Sherbrooke University (Canada).


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How to Cite

Zapata Esteves, M. A., & Centurión Cárdenas, H. V. (2023). Incidence and Impact of the Blended Learning Model in Amazonian Indigenous Communities in Peru. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 29(1).



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