Application of the Grounded Theory to the analysis of the school and curricular organization of the subject Technology in Secondary Education




Qualitative methodology, Grounded Theory, Focus group, Secondary Education, School organization, Technology


Technology is a cross-cutting subject of knowledge and skills in the Secondary Education curriculum. Its curricular content demands constant changes due to the requirements posed by society and educational laws in Spain. This article presents a qualitative empirical research, whose methodology is based on the Grounded Theory. Although the objective of the research is broader, for reasons of space, the part corresponding to the analysis of the organizational and curricular context from the teachers' perspective is presented here. The interviewers' data collection was through observation, field diary, and audio recording of the focus groups, with the participation of 68 teachers from 17 Secondary Schools in the province of Valencia, reaching theoretical saturation in the eighth school. The fieldwork was carried out between October 2019 and February 2020. The Atlas.ti software (v.8) was used for data processing, which allowed open, axial, co-occurrence and selective coding. The conclusions of the study are: (1) the difference in infrastructure, size and ratio have an impact on educational quality, (2) institutional coordination is necessary to adapt the student transition between the different educational levels, (3) school organization together with a fragmented curriculum in core, specific and free configuration subjects, hinder the acquisition of competencies, and (4) the choice of STEM subjects depends on the gender of the students and their family environment.


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Author Biographies

Enric Torres Barchino, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)

He studied a Bachelor in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Electricity (1981), a Bachelor in Industrial Design Engineering (2004) and Master's Degree in Design Engineering (2010) at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). He is currently developing his doctoral thesis at the UPV after having retired as a Secondary School Teacher, specializing in Technology, after developing his professional career in various centers of the Valencian Community between 1981 and 2014. He has been a professor of the Pedagogical Adaptation Course (CAP) taught at the Institute of Education Sciences of the UPV between 2002 and 2008 and Adjunct Professor at the UPV between 2008 and 2011. 

Manuel Contero, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)

Full Professor with the Department of Graphic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). He obtained his degree in Industrial Engineering in 1990 and his PhD in Industrial Engineering in 1995, both from the UPV. In 1993 he joined the University Jaume I of Castellón (UJI) as Assistant Professor, being promoted to Associate Professor in 1997. In 2000 he returned to the UPV, being appointed Full Professor in 2008. His research interests focus on industrial and educational applications of virtual and augmented reality, CAD technologies, and development of spatial skills.

Antonio Veiga Méndez, Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (Venezuela) (UNELLEZ)

PhD. in Environmental Education from Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (Venezuela) (UPEL) since 2014. He is currently Associate Professor at Universidad Nacional Experimental de los Llanos Occidentales Ezequiel Zamora (Venezuela) (UNELLEZ). His research activities are related to Curriculum Evaluation and Circular Economy (Agenda 2030) and the application of Grounded Theory.


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How to Cite

Torres Barchino, E., Contero, M. ., & Veiga Méndez, A. (2022). Application of the Grounded Theory to the analysis of the school and curricular organization of the subject Technology in Secondary Education. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(1).



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