Validation of the dating violence questionnaire (DVQ-R) for young Colombian and Mexican adult victims


  • Jorge Arturo Martínez-Gómez Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia,Tunja
  • Yolima Bolívar-Suárez Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia,Tunja
  • Libia Yanelli Yanez-Peñuñuri University of Sonora, México
  • Ana Milena Gaviria-Gómez University of San Buenaventura



Dating violence, validity, reliability, factorial structure


The dating violence is a problem of public health actuality, with consequences in the physical  health and psychology the young, thus, it is important have instrument what allow rigours evaluation this problem. The present study aimed to evaluate the construct validity and reliability of the dating violence questionnaire (DVQ-R) in a sample of young Colombian and Mexican adults. This study was psychometric, the research included 4,237 Mexican and Colombian adolescents and young adults aged between 14 and 28 years (M=19,44 years; DS=2,6 years). The reliability was calculated whit coefficient Cronbach alpha, it got a total internal consistency of α= 0,827; When estimating construct validity via exploratory factor analysis, the 20 items were grouped according to five theoretically conceived factors which measured victimization behavior pertaining to physical violence, humiliation, sexual victimization, detachment and coercion, and explained 55,1% of variance. In the confirmatory factor analysis for general model of five factor, the fit indexs were adequate (CFI = 0937, NFI = 0931, IFI= ,937, RMSEA= .049). Moreover, additional models developed specifically for Colombian and Mexican populations are proposed. Outcomes indicate that DVQ-R is an appropriate tool for assessing victimization in dating relationships.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Arturo Martínez-Gómez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia,Tunja

Psychologist, Master’s in Clinical Psychology, Doctor in Psychology, University of San Buenaventura, Medellín. Research Lecturer, Clinical and Health Psychology Research Group, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia,Tunja, Colombia. He is also a junior researcher in MinCiencias, Colombia.

Yolima Bolívar-Suárez, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia,Tunja

RN, magister in nursing, PhD student in Psychology, San Buenaventura University Medellín-Colombia, is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. Research Lecturer, Healthy municipality for peace Research Group.

Libia Yanelli Yanez-Peñuñuri, University of Sonora, México

Psychologist, Doctor in Psychology, University of Guadalajara México, is an associate professor and research lecturer in the psychology school at University of Sonora.

Ana Milena Gaviria-Gómez, University of San Buenaventura

PhD. Full professor Faculty of Psychology of the University of San Buenaventura and of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the María Cano University Foundation. She is also a Senior researcher in MinCiencias, Colombia. 


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How to Cite

Martínez-Gómez, J. A., Bolívar-Suárez, Y., Yanez-Peñuñuri, L. Y. ., & Gaviria-Gómez, A. M. . (2021). Validation of the dating violence questionnaire (DVQ-R) for young Colombian and Mexican adult victims . RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 27(2).



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