Primary and secondary school teachers’ perceptions of competence. Do contextual differences exist?
Teaching competences, Self evaluation, Scoring Rubric, Primary education, Compulsory educationAbstract
After reviewing multiple research studies on teaching competencies, it was concluded that their relevance and development may vary depending on the model and the social context. The aim of this study is to analyze the level of competence perceived by primary and secondary school teachers, and to verify its possible dependence on contextual variables. For this purpose, a descriptive expost-facto study was carried out. The instrument used to collect information was the Teaching Competence Rubric PROFICIENCyIn+E©. The rubric was applied to an incidental sample of 426 primary and secondary school teachers from sixteen Autonomous Communities. This article presents the results of the analysis of the level of competence perceived by the teachers in the sample, considering the differences that appeared according to gender, experience, area of knowledge in which teaching is exercised, school ownership and, finally, according to the stage at which teaching is given. The results provide interesting data for the study of the teaching competencies of primary and secondary school teachers. Thus, although the teachers in the sample are perceived, in general, to be quite competent in their teaching behavior, significant differences appear in some contextual variables, with the most marked differences depending on the area of knowledge and the stage.
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