RELIEVE: 15 years of educational research and evaluation
Relieve journal, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Education and Educational Research, Citation analysis, Research issues.Abstract
Aims: To conduct a bibliometric analysis of papers published by the RELIEVE journal in the last 15 years. Considered papers were indexed by the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which is a new Web of Science (WOS) database that aims to correct the poor coverage of national journals in some countries. Methods: Data source: 195 RELIEVE articles indexed according to the ESCI. Some 7,408 citations included in these 195 papers were analyzed. A total of 599 relevant citations recorded by the journal were also analyzed. Topics covered by the journal were also studied. For this purpose, author-keywords from the 195 papers were merged and analyzed using the VOSviewer software tool. Results: Papers included an average of 38.19 ± 6.5 citations. The authors and journals cited were mainly Spanish but a significant proportion of foreign impact journals (40%) were also found. The references cited in RELIEVE came almost exclusively from Spanish journals included in WOS in the education and educational research categories. The majority of published papers also came from Spanish institutions (75.6%), particularly the universities of Valencia and Granada. Most citations came from research papers published in Spanish journals. Amongst the research topics to have occupied the pages of RELIEVE, those related to higher education and PISA most stood out. Conclusions: The citations identified reveal appropriate consumption of international scientific literature by the publishing authors. However, these citations also highlighted a strong focus in published research on local issues and, as a consequence, this research is not highly considered by researchers from other countries. At the moment, RELIEVE's presence in ESCI-WOS has not yet been translated into gains regarding reduced research isolation and has failed to mobilize its international incorporation in terms of a more global impact.
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