Students' and teachers' perceptions of innovative teaching performance in teacher training degrees.
Educational innovation, teacher evaluation, teacher competencies, learning processes, teaching methods, teacher effectiveness, higher educationAbstract
Since the entry of the European Higher Education Area, the role of teachers in the change of the educational paradigm demanded in the learning process at universities has been emphasized. To this end, it is essential to develop research projects to study the innovative performance of teachers, to determine the shortcomings in their training, the institutional conditions that promote it and the impact of its development on improving the quality of the university institution. The present work tries to analyze the innovative competence of the university teaching staff of the teaching degrees, through the evaluations of the students and of the professors themselves, to study their differences, improve the teaching performance and the students' learning. To achieve this purpose, a questionnaire (CIDU-A) for the empirical recording of the fundamental dimensions associated with the innovative competency profile of university teachers was developed and applied to a significant sample of teachers and students of the teaching degrees of public and private university institutions (597 subjects). The main result obtained from this analysis is that it was possible to detect a medium-low level of competence in the innovative competence profile of university teachers. However, the teachers' perception of their innovative competence tends to be much higher than that perceived by their own students in the classroom. Likewise, it was identified that students' perception of their teachers' innovative competence is significantly better in private universities than in public universities.
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