Awareness and Knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals in Teacher Training




educational objectives, quality education, social responsibility, sustainable development, teacher education


The urgent commitment of educational institutions to achieve Education for Sustainable Development leads us to propose studies such as this one. In particular, the main objective of this study is to analyze the degree of awareness and knowledge about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among students studying Education Degrees (Degree and Master) (n = 153) at a public university, and their perception of the possibilities of working with them. The mixed methodology and ad hoc questionnaire validated by experts allowed for a descriptive and inferential analysis of the data. The results suggest that there is a need to improve awareness, training, and implementation of the SDGs in university teacher training. Some improvement was perceived when comparing prior and final knowledge, with a significant association detected between the latter and the academic year. Of all the educational stages, Higher Education is considered the most favourable for working on the SDGs, with university students becoming promoters of this challenge. In general, they consider that SDGs 4, 5, 3, and 16 (in that order) require the most attention, with significant differences depending on the academic year. The study calls for a review of the curricula for Education Degrees, and for the implementation of more teaching, research, and institutionalization initiatives to address the challenges of the 2030 Agenda.


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Author Biographies

Marta Gómez-Gómez, Rey Juan Carlos University

Education: Doctor in Pedagogy (UNED, extraordinary prize). Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy (UCM), Diploma in Early Childhood Education (UCM), Master's Degree in Innovation and Research in Education (UNED) and Master's Degree in Neurodidactics (URJC).

Teaching in the  Degree in Early Childhood Education, Degree in Primary Education and Master in Teacher Training in Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Languages since 2019 (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos [URJC]). Coordinator of the Degree in Primary Education (2009-2014, URJC). Docentia: Excellent (2017 and 2020).

The main lines of research deal with Teacher Training, Educational Social Responsibility, SDG, Service-Learning and Educational Technology. Participation in national and international conferences on innovation, ICT and PES.

Awards: Best Project for the Introduction of ICT in a school: "Solidarity Service-Learning Project for the transfer of ICT learning from the university to schools", SIMO Fair (2013) and Third Prize in the VII Edition of the Innovative Teachers Award of the URJC (November, 2020) for the work "Pedagogical Experience of Virtual Links during confinement (EPLAVI)", Special Mention COVID-19.

Member of the Research Group on Educational Innovation and Improvement (IMEI) and collaborator in the High Performance Research Groups of Fundamentals of Education and Educational Social Responsibility (FERSE) and Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE). Member of the Asociación Red Universitaria de Aprendizaje-Servicio -REDApS (U)- and Member of the Asociación Pro-Colegio Oficial de Pedagogía y Psicopedagogía de la Comunidad de Madrid.


Desiré García-Lázaro, Rey Juan Carlos University

Education: PhD from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, Spain, with the qualification of Sobresaliente Cum Laude unanimously. Master in Neurodidactics. Master's Degree in Business Management. Degree in Business Administration and Management and Degree in Market Research and Techniques.

Teaching: In 2007 she joined the Department of Financial Economics and Accounting at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Since then, she has been teaching mathematics and statistics in different degrees as well as in national and international postgraduate courses. Docentia: Excelent (2017 and 2020).

His main lines of research are: Innovation and Didactics of Mathematics in Teacher Training, specifically in the study of gamification, the use of active methodologies and the application of neurodidactic principles. In addition, he researches on formative assessment and teaching quality.

Awards: 3 mentions of "Good Practices" in the Innovative Teachers Awards, Special Award for the Institutional Promotion of Innovation as a member of the coordinating team of the Education Observatory of the URJC, Third Doctorate Award and Second Prize for Best Innovative Teacher (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2022).

Member of the Creat&in Innovation Group. Member of the Education Observatory of the Rey Juan Carlos University. She has held various undergraduate and postgraduate management positions: She has been Vice-coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and Coordinator of the section in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in two specialities, as well as Coordinator of Erasmo Munde.




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How to Cite

Gómez-Gómez, M., & García-Lázaro, D. (2023). Awareness and Knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals in Teacher Training. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 27(3), 243–264.


