Improvement of English written comprehension through project-based learning in Early Childhood Education Degree students




project-based learning, written comprehension quantitative study Early Childhood Education Degree, English language


This article addresses research conducted at a Spanish public university with students of the Early Childhood Education Degree during the last academic year. In this study, we analysed the degree of improvement in students' written comprehension in English after taking a subject in English for a semester using the project-based learning methodology. To respond to the objective of this research, a quantitative study was conducted using a written test both at the beginning (pre) and at the end (post) of the semester to find differences in the results obtained in both tests through direct observation. The research question we posed is whether there is improvement in the students' written comprehension after taking the subject in English and applying this methodology at the end of the semester. Therefore, after analysing the data using the JASP statistical programme, the results showed a significant improvement in most of the cases analysed.


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Author Biography

Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio, Universidad de Granada

Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio as a degree in English Studies from the University of Murcia and a PhD from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He is working as a professor at the University of Granada. Among his main lines of research, we can emphasize the teaching-learning process of English, the cultural studies in the United States, or gender issues associated with the role of women in the Anglo-American studies.


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How to Cite

Juan Rubio, A. D. (2024). Improvement of English written comprehension through project-based learning in Early Childhood Education Degree students. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (42), 11–26.


