Didactic strategies for communicative participation in the compulsory secondary school in Chile
oral communication, conversation, participation, dialogue, teacher practices, didactics strategiesAbstract
It is well known the importance of developing oral communication in young people for their participation in society through spaces for social interaction oriented with the use of didactic strategies. The main of this research is to analyze the participation of secondary students in the development of oral communication in the subject of Language and Literature in Chile. A mixed methodology was used with a concurrent nested design of a dominant qualitative model. A semi-structured interview was carried out with six Chilean secondary school language and literature teachers, a semi-structured interview for ten secondary students from 3rd and 4th grade, the application of an instrument to 58 students, and a classroom observation of each teacher. Among the results, we found that spontaneous conversation is the most used didactic strategy for the development of oral communication. In addition, students feel the validation of their participation according to the attitude of the teacher, their classmates, and their mastery of the topic. It is concluded that the development of didactic knowledge of oral communication by teachers and the implementation of socio-communicative approaches in the studied context is necessary.
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Este trabajo fue financiado por la Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Subdirección de Capital Humano (ANID) Chile/ DOCTORADO BECAS CHILE/2020 – 722210189.
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