Middle school teachers’ views and recommendations about using translation exercises in L2 reading comprehension classes





Translation exercises, pedagogical recommendations, reading comprehension, beginners, middle school teachers


Reintroducing translation exercises in EFL classes has been advocated by theorists and scholars in the field. They highlighted the facilitative role of translation and called for paying attention to its position in FL teaching, especially with regard to the four skills (Deller and Riuvolucri, 2002; Atkinson, 1993, 1987; Auerbach, 1993). However, it is noted that little attention has been paid to suggesting practical pedagogical and methodological recommendations of a possible use of translation exercises in EFL teaching. In the present paper, we aim at exploring teachers’ views and recommendations towards using translation exercises in the teaching of reading comprehension to beginners in Moroccan middle schools. To do this, the study employed a qualitative method of research. Despite Covid-19 discouraging conditions and the difficulty of finding teachers who have been teaching English in middle schools continuously, ten teachers who use the same textbook with the same level of learners were interviewed. Analysis revealed that the interviewees are positive about using translation in beginners’ reading comprehension classes on condition that the activities are short and well-controlled, should come in the initial and the final stages of the lesson, particularly with culture-based reading material.


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Author Biographies

Abdellah Badda, University of Córdoba, Spain

Abdellah Badda was born in Ksar El Kebir, Morocco. He received his B.A in English studies in 2016 and an M.A in translation sciences and linguistics from Abdelmalik Essadi University, Morocco. He has been teaching English in public and private schools since 2006. His main interests focus on bilingual education and translation.

Víctor Pavón Vázquez, University of Córdoba, Spain

Víctor Pavón Vázquez is Assistant Professor at the University of Córdoba (Spain). He is current Director of Language Policy and Director of the UCOidiomas language centre at the UCO. His interests focus on bilingual education programmes, and on the delineation of language policies in an international context.


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How to Cite

Badda, A., & Pavón Vázquez, V. (2024). Middle school teachers’ views and recommendations about using translation exercises in L2 reading comprehension classes. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (42), 301–315. https://doi.org/10.30827/portalin.vi42.29482


