On the function of teacher professional development (TPD) programs in improving language teachers’ engagement in online education environments: voices from Chinese English teachers



Teacher engagement, Professional development programs, online education environments, English teachers, China


Given the integral role of teacher engagement in the efficiency of education, factors contributing to increased teacher engagement have always been at the forefront of researchers’ attention. Simply put, great attention has been dedicated to the predictors of teachers’ physical, cognitive, and emotional engagement in classroom contexts. However, factors predicting teachers’ engagement in online classes have somehow been neglected. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, no inquiry has considered the role of teacher professional development programs in language teachers’ engagement. To address these gaps, this study looked into the determinants of teacher engagement in virtual language courses and the function of professional development programs in increasing Chinese teachers’ engagement in online English classes. To accomplish this, an open-ended inventory was given to 37 Chinese English teachers. The thematic analysis of the dataset indicated that most of the participants perceived extrinsic factors such as user-friendly platforms, effective professional development programs, and principals’ transformational leadership to be more influential in teacher engagement. Data analysis also showed the majority of respondents viewed professional development programs to be highly effective in promoting teacher work engagement. The outcomes may be instructive for all teachers and educational principals working in online education environments.


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Author Biography

Jing Wang, College of Foreign Studies, Liaoning University, China

Jing Wang was born in Hunan, China, in 1979. From 1997 to 2001, she studied in Xiangtan Normal College and received her bachelor’s degree in 2001. From 2001 to 2004, she studied in Dalian Maritime University and received her Master’s degree in 2004.From 2014 to 2019, she studied in Liaoning Normal University and received her Doctor’s degree in 2019.From 2004 to 2023, she worked in Liaoning Normal University. From September 2023 till now, she has been working in Liaoning University. She has published a total of 25 papers and 2 books. Her research interests are Teacher Education, Applied linguistics and Sino-British education exchange.


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This study is supported by the Social Science Fund Project of Liaoning Province in 2022: The Research of English-Chinese Metaphorical Idioms Based on the Embodied-Cognitive Linguistics (Project No. L22AYY006).



How to Cite

Wang, J. (2024). On the function of teacher professional development (TPD) programs in improving language teachers’ engagement in online education environments: voices from Chinese English teachers. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (42). Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/portalin/article/view/28245