Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning Research. Mirosław Pawlak & Mariusz Kruk (eds.) (2023). Routledge, pages144. ISBN: 978-1-03214-588-4


  • Rui Li Hunan University



individual differences


Over half of a century, second language (L2) psychological factors have been heatedly investigated by L2 practitioners and computer assisted language learning (CALL) researchers who devote their continuous efforts to gain some comprehensive understandings of what learner-external and internal factors may contribute to successful L2 learning outcomes (Li, Meng, Tian, Zhang, & Xiao, 2021). For the learner-external factors, contextual settings (outdoor instruction vs. indoor instruction), availability of resources (paper-based vs. digital-based) and interaction modes (e.g., corrective feedback and collaborative learning) have been regularly discussed in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). Apart from the learner-external factors, an emerging array of publications with different foci have begun to offer insights into the learner-internal factors, viz. individual difference (ID) factors, such as learner demographic factors (e.g., age, gender, age of acquisition, and language proficiency, etc.), aptitude, working memory, personality, grit, willingness to communicate, learning styles, beliefs, learning strategies, L2 mindfulness, learning motivation, L2 self-efficacy, engagement and emotions, among others.


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Author Biography

Rui Li, Hunan University

Rui Li (Professor)

School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University


Li, R., Meng, Z., Tian, M., Zhang, Z., & Xiao, W. (2021). Modelling Chinese EFL learners’ flow experiences in digital game-based vocabulary learning: The roles of learner and contextual factors. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 34(4), 483–505.




How to Cite

Li, R. (2023). Individual Differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning Research. Mirosław Pawlak & Mariusz Kruk (eds.) (2023). Routledge, pages144. ISBN: 978-1-03214-588-4 . Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (40), 295–296.



Book review