Interaction patterns and support for learning in the primary foreign language classroom


  • Carolyn Elizabeth Leslie Nova University, Lisbon



Peer interaction, interaction patterns, primary language learning, foreign language learning, support for language learning.


In this study, both sociocultural and cognitive perspectives are used to investigate how learners in the primary foreign language classroom support each other’s learning during peer oral interaction, and how this is influenced by different interaction patterns. Learners were recorded taking part in 3 spot-the-difference tasks in a year 4 primary class, and Storch’s model of interaction patterns (2002) was used as a framework to classify learner interaction. Transcripts were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, and show how learners used a variety of strategies to support their partner’s output. It also shows how the majority of learners worked collaboratively, how collaboration increased with task repetition, and how pairs who engaged in collaborative interaction provided most support for their peer.  However, other dyads showed less mutuality and engaged little with each other’s contributions, with quantitative analysis showing these learners provided each other with the least support for language learning, as they were unlikely to ask their peer for help, one of the most common strategies used by other dyads.


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Author Biography

Carolyn Elizabeth Leslie, Nova University, Lisbon

Carolyn Leslie has an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, a Ph.D. in Foreign Language Didactics, and has taught at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Nova University, Lisbon since 2010 where she is a member of CETAPS, the research unit for the study of English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese studies. She teaches on the M.A. in Teaching English in primary education and her research interests lie in the learning opportunities afforded by peer interaction and primary assessment.


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How to Cite

Leslie, C. E. (2021). Interaction patterns and support for learning in the primary foreign language classroom. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (36), 65–82.


