El impacto de las emociones y la motivación en la autonomía del aprendizaje de idiomas:

Diferencias en las escuelas secundarias




Palabras clave:

diferencias individuales, autonomía del alumno, motivación, creencias de autoeficacia, emociones.


Investigating contextual variations in the role of individual difference variables is one of the most important research objectives in foreign language pedagogy, especially in teaching settings where there are fluctuations in teaching efficiency. Therefore, in our study we set out to 1) show the ways in which various emotions, motivational variables, and self-efficacy beliefs impact language learning autonomy; and 2) explore the extent to which these influences are context-independent, i.e., equally important in all schools. To meet these objectives, we designed a nationwide quantitative study in Hungary that included students (N = 1,152) from 11 secondary schools across the country using systematic quota sampling. The scales of our standardized questionnaire were analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques. Our analysis focused on differences at the school level and the main results show that, when it comes to student autonomy, the only impact that appears to be significant in all schools is student motivation, while the role of the other scales is limited to some of the schools. Based on our results, we suggest implications for both teachers and researchers.


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Cómo citar

CSIZÉR, K., & ALBERT, ÁGNES. (2024). El impacto de las emociones y la motivación en la autonomía del aprendizaje de idiomas: : Diferencias en las escuelas secundarias. Porta Linguarum Revista Interuniversitaria De Didáctica De Las Lenguas Extranjeras, (IX), 31–47. https://doi.org/10.30827/portalin.viIX.29890