EFL teaching through Total Physical Response and Physical Activity on Higher Education students: A systematic review





Professional skills, academic competences, university, physical wellbeing, community learning


Total physical response (TPR) aims to develop listening comprehension and verbal communication skills of beginner level of students through physical actions. This paper is a systematic review of the literature on EFL teaching by TPR methodology on higher education students in the area of English teaching, Physical Education, and Physical Activity and Sport. After an exhaustive search, 5 peer-reviewed publications were classified according to frequency and geographical distribution, sample and duration of the programs, research methodologies, data collection instruments used, and main outcomes investigated. The results indicate that the research methodologies used tended to be qualitative, while the variety of samples and duration of interventions was broad. The instruments employed were mainly reflexive diaries with open questions and descriptive survey, as well questionnaires and surveys, and the programs were developed specifically for Spain and Asian countries. In conclusion, the present systematic review highlights that TPR and physical activities can have a positive effect on higher education students EFL learning.


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Author Biographies

Eeva-Maria Hooli, University of Granada

PhD student from Department of Didactics of Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, University of
Granada (Spain). Main topic: EFL in migrant contexts.

José Luis Ortega-Martín, University of Granada

Department of Didactics of Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, University of Granada (Spain).
Research line: Implementation of ICT in the English class and migrant context.

Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, University of Granada

Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada (Spain).
Research line: Service-Learning, Physical Activity and Sport in inclusive context.


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FUNDING INFORMATION: This research was carried out within the R+D+i project (2019) “University Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport. Opportunity for social inclusion”, with reference PID2019-105916RBI00. This study was also included in the Fido 2022 (project no. 22-172), Unit of the Quality, Teaching Innovation and Prospective Unit, as well as in the 2022 call for Equality, Social Inclusion and Promotion of Research of the vice rector’s office of Equality, Inclusion and Sustainability with no. INV-IGU185-2022, which were both calls from the University of Granada, Spain. Finally, this manuscript is part of the Eeva-Maria Hooli’s Doctoral Thesis.




How to Cite

Hooli, E.-M., Ortega-Martín, J. L., & Ruiz-Montero, P. J. (2023). EFL teaching through Total Physical Response and Physical Activity on Higher Education students: A systematic review. Porta Linguarum An International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, (VII), 109–120. https://doi.org/10.30827/portalin.viVII.29169



VII Special Issue. "Physical Education teaching and foreign language learning: academic, psychological and professional teacher variables"