Potential of the Techno-Pedagogical Tasks Model to Promote Conjecture Processes in University Students
Conjecture processes, Discernment, Task Design, Techno-Pedagogical Tasks, Tesselation, Variation TheoryAbstract
In this article we examine the influence of geometry tasks on the development of conjecturing processes, aimed at first-semester architecture students. The design of the tasks was based on the Techno-Pedagogical Task Model (TTM). Following the guidelines of a design research, we used as an analytical tool the set of phases of the conjecturing process proposed by Cañadas et al. (2008), articulated with the patterns of variation suggested by Marton, Runesson and Tsui (2004). We conclude that the TTM offers a useful alternative to structure the design of tasks mediated by a dynamic geometry software, the purpose of which is to promote conjecturing processes.
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