Phonological Simplification Processes in Early Childhood Education Students: Typical Development and Developmental Language Disorder




Developmental language disorder, early childhood education, speech, phonological simplification processes


Speech development in some children does not proceed as it usually does in typical development (TD), a circumstance that can affect various areas of development and learning. These children produce phonologically simplified words as a result of the application of strategies known as Phonological Simplification Processes (PSF). The application of PSF is not motivated by motor, morphological, sensory, or neurological causes. It usually happens that, over the years, there is a progressive elimination of PSF. However, a group characterized by presenting PSF until an advanced age is those diagnosed with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). The main objective of this research is to describe and compare the phonological problems of Early Childhood Education students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and typical development (TD). For this purpose, 96 male and female pupils were selected, to meet the diagnostic criteria of the DLD group, the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Spanish (CELF-4) language test was administered. Phonological productions were obtained by applying the Induced Phonological Register test.The results conclude that at the levels analyzed there is usually a greater presence of errors in the group with DLD, so they can become more persistent, with consequences that can affect the development of other phonological processing skills (for example, phonological awareness) and of grammar. An educational response is proposed through a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS).


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Author Biographies

Atteneri Delgado Cruz, University of La Laguna

Assistant Professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (Area of Research Methods and Educational Diagnostics). Researcher in the Acentejo Language Difficulties Research Group and speech therapist specializing in childhood language disorders. Master's degree in Advanced Studies on Communication, Language, and Its Pathologies.

María Ángeles Axpe Caballero, University of La Laguna

Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (Area of Research Methods and Educational Diagnostics). Researcher in the Acentejo Language Difficulties Research Group, specializing in research methodology. Her publications focus on language intervention with students with Developmental Language Disorders

Víctor M. Acosta Rodríguez, University of La Laguna

University Professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research (Area of Didactics and School Organization). Principal Investigator of the Acentejo Language Difficulties Research Group. His most recent publications address issues in oral language, executive functioning, reading, and the educational inclusion of students with Developmental Language Disorder in Early Childhood and Primary Education.

María Martel González, University of La Laguna

Speech therapist and Education Program doctoral student. 


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How to Cite

Delgado Cruz, A., Axpe Caballero, M. Ángeles, Acosta Rodríguez, V. M., & Martel González, M. (2024). Phonological Simplification Processes in Early Childhood Education Students: Typical Development and Developmental Language Disorder. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 30(2).



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