Validation of the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ) in romantic relationships




Digital violence, coercion, romantic relationship, questionnaire, validation


The present article examines digital violence born out of new forms of online communication in romantic relationships. A theoretical review identified the lack of an instrument to measure this type of digital violence, understood as violence exercised through electronic devices commonly used within romantic relationships in the form of control, harassment, abuse and coercion. The aim of the present research was to develop and validate the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ). For this purpose, an expert panel, fieldwork and exploratory factor analysis were used. Two-stage random cluster sampling was carried out at the University of Huelva (Spain) with a sample of 528 students. Following pilot testing and expert panel analysis, an instrument composed of 90 items was developed. This was divided into five blocks of analysis and included additional sociodemographic variables and relational variables pertaining to courtship. Likert scales were used to collect responses with some items being bidirectional in nature. This enabled measurement of perpetration and victimization in relation to this type of violence. Reliability of the questionnaire was supported with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.945. Following exploratory factor analysis, principal component analysis and varimax rotation, a 7-factor solution and a total of 55 items was obtained. It is concluded that the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ) is a valid and reliable instrument that is suitable for the detection and prevention of digital violence.


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Author Biographies

Delia Montero-Fernández, University of Huelva

Degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Educational Psychology, with an Official Master's Degree in Gender, Identity and Citizenship from the University of Huelva. She is currently a PhD student in the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies program at the same university. Her line of research is the prevention of violence in young affective-sexual relationships and the influence of new technologies and media.

Antonio Daniel García Rojas, University of Huelva

Degree in Psychology and Educational Psychology, PhD from the University of Huelva. Official Master's Degree in Communication and Audiovisual Education and Official Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Currently Professor and Director of the Department of Pedagogy, as well as Coordinator of the Degree of Social Education of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences. His research activities are related to sexuality, sex education, gender, emotions, educommunication and gender violence.

Angel Hernando Gómez, University of Huelva

PhD in Psychology from the University of Huelva and Professor in the Department of Social, Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Huelva. Associate Editor of the journal Comunicar (Psychology Section). Member of the Research Group AGORA, (HUM-648). He has won several awards for teaching excellence both face-to-face and virtual. His research interests are focused on the prevention of violence in adolescent and youth relationships, intervention on risk behaviors, promotion of positive adolescent development and educommunication. In these lines, he has directed several researches, doctoral theses and intervention programs.

Francisco Javier Del Río Olvera, University of Cádiz

Licenciado en Psicología por la UNED, Máster en Metodología de las Ciencias del Comportamiento y de la Salud por la UNED, Doctor en Psicología por la Universidad de Almería. Actualmente doctorando en Estadística Multivariante Aplicada por la Universidad de Salamanca. Profesor en la Universidad de Cádiz, y Tutor en el centro asociado de la UNED en Cádiz. Sus actividades de investigación están relacionadas con las adicciones, la sexualidad, y la validación de instrumentos de medida.


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How to Cite

Montero-Fernández, D., García Rojas, A. D., Hernando Gómez, A., & Del Río Olvera, F. J. (2022). Validation of the digital violence questionnaire (DVQ) in romantic relationships. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(2).



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