Competency assessment for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Exploratory study among secondary school students in Barcelona




intercultural and interreligious dialogue, skills, secondary education institutes, contexts of diversity, young migrants, conflict resolution


The presence of unaccompanied minor migrants in our communities and the consequent mutual impact with the foster society is a phenomenon of great educational relevance. An imaginary is configured around these young people, on which a good part of the islamophobic, xenophobic and racist discourses, present in our media and in the political arguments of the most radical parties of the state, are argued. In this context, the present article addresses the issue of adolescents' perceptions of young people who migrate alone and the development of intercultural competencies for interreligious dialogue. For this purpose, a survey study was carried out with the participation of 942 students from 9th and 10th grade compulsory secondary education in high schools in the city of Barcelona. In general terms, results show that participants are at a stage of acceptance of religious diversity. On the other hand, young people tend to engage in conflict situations with people who are different from them, using strategies typical of their coping style in relation to others. Finally, it is observed that students hold attitudes that moderately overcome prejudices towards young people who migrate alone. Findings reveal the importance of educational institutions and, specifically, secondary schools, working to build a culture of peace and a more inclusive society.


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Author Biographies

Ruth Vilà Baños, University of Barcelona

Phd in Educational Psychology from the University of Barcelona. She has been a professor since 1999 at the University of Barcelona in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE). She teaches Masters, Postgraduates and degrees, mainly in the areas of research methods and practicum and citizenship. In 1998 he joined GREDI (Intercultural Education Research Group), and participates in research on topics such as intercultural education, education for intercultural citizenship, and the development of intercultural competencies, and intercultural and interreligious dialogue. She has been a methodological adviser at ICE since 2000, specializing in quantitative data analysis. Since 2008, she has been the coordinator of the Research Methods area of the MIDE department. And founding member of the Institute for Research in Education of the University of Barcelona.

Assumpta Aneas Álvarez, University of Barcelona

Associate Professor of the MIDE area (University of Barcelona). Coordinator of the Intercultural Education Research Group GREDI since 2018. Coordinator of the consolidated research group in Intercultural Education GREDI. Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Research in Education of the University of Barcelona (IRE UB). Coordinator of Youth and Intercultural Dialogue of "European Institute of Education for Democratic Culture of the UCV (ECUDEM) Her lines of research are: Interreligious Dialogue, Fight against identity violence and discrimination as well as teacher training in Intercultural Competences for democratic citizenship.

Montse Freixa Niella, University of Barcelona

PhD in Pedagogy and is a full-time professor in the Department of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education at the University of Barcelona. She is part of the Research Group in Intercultural Education (GREDI), and has extensive management experience in university as Academic Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education. Her work focuses mainly in the field of higher education, religious diversity and interreligious dialogue.

Melissa schmidlin, University of Barcelona

Associate Professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona. Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Chile and a degree in Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona. Technician of the R&D research project "Intercultural and interreligious dialogue to promote the culture of peace in young people and Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENA) in Barcelona and Melilla". She has also worked as an educator in socio-educational projects with migrant women and young people.


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How to Cite

Vilà Baños, R., Aneas Álvarez, A., Freixa Niella, M., & schmidlin, M. (2022). Competency assessment for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Exploratory study among secondary school students in Barcelona. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(2).



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