Parental attitudes towards the cyberbullying experienced by their children
cyberbullying, children, parental mediation, internetAbstract
Online risk situations faced by children have been extensively studied from a child perspective, while research is scarcer from a parental perspective. This article aims to understand what knowledge parents have regarding online situations with unpleasant consequences as cyberbullying. It also explores how parents react to these situations and what factors of the socio-familial context may influence their perceptions and reactions. The analysis is based on the results of a survey to families of Spain, carried out in 2019, on a nationally representative sample of 850 parents with children between 9-17 years old. The results showed that from the families' perspective, cyberbullying situations to which their children are exposed are not frequent; the vast majority of fathers and mothers do not perceive it in their children. A 44% of parents have the perception that their children are able to cope with unpleasant situations, and this correlates to the age of the child, being higher in adolescents. An 83% of parents feel very able to help their children to cope with upsetting situations. Parent´s awareness of cyberbullying is related to family conflict situations they experience with their children. Higher levels of reverse mediation are observed among adolescents, who report more unpleasant situations experienced online to their parents than younger children who are the least likely to report these experiences to their parents and tend to be monitored more by their parents.
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