Decision-making profiles and characteristics in secondary-school students
secondary education, decision-making, profiles, students’ perceptions, tutor, familyAbstract
The present study set out to identify the profiles and characteristics pertaining to the decision-making processes of secondary-school students. In order to identify these profiles, variables were considered including demographic variables (gender, age, school year, school type and family educational background), dimensions of decision-making, career decision-making styles, self-esteem, perceived stress, decision-making self-efficacy, and exploratory behaviour. The participating sample comprised 519 students undertaking their fourth year of ESO (Spanish compulsory secondary education) or their second year of baccalaureate (equivalent of sixth form in Spain). All students were attending one of four schools in the province of Barcelona (two state schools and two state-subsidised private schools). Six scales were used to estimate outcomes for study variables and participants also responded to two open questions. Significant outcomes were found which enabled identification of decision-making profiles according to school year (fourth year of ESO or second of baccalaureate), school type (state or state-subsidised private) and another series of variables associated with the study model. Participants’ responses to open questions revealed that they held the view that information about themselves, their education and the social and professional world around them played an extremely important role in their decision-making. They also revealed that both family and school support was needed in this process, and that schools should develop programmes to assist students when making educational and career decisions.
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