Validation of a questionnaire of attributions to the detection of coincidences in academic work.


  • Jesús-Miguel Muñoz-Cantero <p>University of A Coru&ntilde;a</p>
  • Nuria Rebollo-Quintela <p>University of A Coru&ntilde;a</p>
  • Josefa Mosteiro-García <p>University of Santiago de Compostela</p>
  • Camilo-Isaac Ocampo-Gómez <p>University of Vigo</p>



Validation, factorial analysis, plagiarism, university students, dishonest practices


Plagiarism as a topic of research in the university context has not ceased to be a constant concern due to its multiple repercussions. This paper describes the process followed in the validation of the Questionnaire of attributions for the detection of coincidences in academic works (CUDECO), whose purpose is to evaluate the relevance that to cite correctly and to detect the causes that lead to commit plagiarism. From a sample of 2,331 students, an analysis of reliability as internal consistency and an exploratory factorial analysis (AFE) of the instrument is carried out. The analysis of reliability leads to propose a readjustment in the questionnaire initially designed. The factorial study suggests a structure configured by five factors: concept of plagiarism and its types (partial and total), causes that motivate the commission of it both internal (specific to the subject) and external (outside the subject) and the attitudes of the peer group towards plagiarism, findings in the line of research previous


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Author Biographies

Jesús-Miguel Muñoz-Cantero, <p>University of A Coru&ntilde;a</p>

Professor at university of A Coruña. Coordinator of the Research Group GIACE (Spanish acronym for “Research Group on Educational Evaluation and Quality”). Postal address: Departamento de Didácticas específicas y Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071. University of A Coruña (Spain).

Nuria Rebollo-Quintela, <p>University of A Coru&ntilde;a</p>

Assistant Professor in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education, Department of Specific Didactics and Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education at the University of A Coruña. Member of the GIACE (Spanish acronym for “Research Group on Educational Evaluation and Quality”). She is the corresponding author for this article. Postal address: Dpto. Didácticas Específicas y Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Campus de Elviña, s/n 15071. University of A Coruña (Spain).

Josefa Mosteiro-García, <p>University of Santiago de Compostela</p>

Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Member of the IDEA (Spanish acronym for “Research, Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation”) research group. Postal Address: Departamento de Pedagogía y Didáctica. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. C/ Prof. Vicente Fráiz Andón, s/n, Campus Vida, 15782- Santiago de Compostela. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Camilo-Isaac Ocampo-Gómez, <p>University of Vigo</p>

Professor at University of Vigo (Spain). Member of the Educational Research Group of the University of Vigo. Postal address: Facultad de CC de la Educación. Ourense Campus of the University of Vigo. 32004 - Ourense (Spain).



How to Cite

Muñoz-Cantero, J.-M., Rebollo-Quintela, N., Mosteiro-García, J., & Ocampo-Gómez, C.-I. (2019). Validation of a questionnaire of attributions to the detection of coincidences in academic work. RELIEVE – Electronic Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation, 25(1).



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