Vol. 1 (2015)

Cover: Image by  Rogelio L´ópez Cuenca for bibrramblabookburning - memorial intermitente,  Proyecto Kiosko (Centro José Guerrero), November 2014- May 2015


Published: 2015-06-19

Table of contents

Editorial: SOBRE vol. 1

  • Equipo SOBRE Lab
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 5-6

On knowing and making-public

  • Domingo Campillo García
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 10-23

Preparatory states. Editing projects as artistic test labs

  • Marisa Mancilla Abril
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 24-38

Reflections on the style and method of Ediciones Originales

  • Antonio Zúñiga Castellano
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 61-66

Editing Architecture Magazines in the Google Era

  • David Arredondo Garrido
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 76-88

Interview with Rogelio López Cuenca

  • Equipo SOBRE Lab
Published: Jun 19, 2015
Pages 148-154

Cita de cierre de SOBRE vol. 1

  • Editor Sobre
Published: Jun 21, 2015