Exploring the Possible Effects of Visual Presentations on Synchronicity and Lag in Simultaneous Interpreting


  • Robert Neal Baxter Universidade de Vigo




lag/ear-voice-span, synchronicity, visual presentations, simultaneous interpreting, pilot study


This article discusses the possible effects of the use of visual presentations on simultaneous interpreting, using the media interpreting model described in the literature as the basis for the hypothesis that in order to satisfy user expectations, interpreters will increase synchronicity by reducing lag with a view to maintaining the coherence of the oral/audio and visual input. The article presents the preliminary results of a pilot study drawing on real-life professional data designed to test this hypothesis and the feasibility of further research with a broader sample base. Although only tentative, the results of the study run contrary to the initial hypothesis, with lag increasing significantly when visual presentations are used. The discussion focuses on alternative explanations and a new hypothesis to be pursued in future research drawing on a statistically representative data pool.


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Author Biography

Robert Neal Baxter, Universidade de Vigo

Robert Neal Baxter holds a PhD in translation and interpreting from the University of Vigo (Galicia) where he has taught consecutive and simultaneous interpreting (English-Galician) since 1995. He has also worked extensively as a professional freelance translator and interpreter, including volunteer work. His research interests include interpreting training and the sociolinguistic impact of interpreting and translating on subordinated (‘minority’) languages, with special emphasis on Galician and Breton as well as translation and gender.



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How to Cite

Baxter, R. N. (2016). Exploring the Possible Effects of Visual Presentations on Synchronicity and Lag in Simultaneous Interpreting. Sendebar, 27, 9–23. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v27i0.3834



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