Lexicon, Appraisal and Translation in the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights





lexicon, appraisal, graduation, translation, judgments, objectivity, subjectivity, ECtHR


In this work we propose to apply the model of the Appraisal Theory (Martin &White 2005) in a set of ECtHR judgments in order to determine the nature of the lexical units that are used by judges when assessing the applicant’s arguments and justifying their decisions. The Appraisal Theory offers a methodological approach that allows to systematize the linguistic resources that reveal the presence of the speaker in the text. We will focus on the lexical units used in the extracts in which the concrete voice of the judges is most explicit. The results should help us to understand how their position is expressed in a type of text in which, in spite of its argumentative nature, there is an attempt at hiding the expression of subjectivity. In parallel, we will observe how the lexical units analyzed have been translated to find out whether the assessments made in the translations are faithful to the original point of view.


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How to Cite

Cunillera Domènech, M. (2023). Lexicon, Appraisal and Translation in the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Sendebar, 34, 26–44. https://doi.org/10.30827/sendebar.v34.27123



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