Translation and Literary Appropriation: on Anna Gavalda’s Practice as Translator




Translation, Appropriation, Stoner, John Williams, Anna Gavalda


When the American writer John Williams published Stoner in 1965, the novel went virtually unnoticed. However, at present both critics and the general public agree to value it as a classic of North American narrative. This paper will study the reasons for the initial poor reception that Stoner suffered in its country, as well as the decisive role for its recovery played by the French translation of the novel, carried out by the novelist Anna Gavalda in 2011. A comparison between Williams’ novel and Gavalda's version shows that the French author profoundly modified the style of the original work and rewrote it as if it were one of her romantic bestsellers. In the light of this translation we will delve into the concept of appropriation as a modality of rewriting.


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How to Cite

Marín Hernández, D. (2022). Translation and Literary Appropriation: on Anna Gavalda’s Practice as Translator. Sendebar, 33, 24–43.



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