The early stages of teaching: Teachers with good principles
beginning teacher, induction programs mentor, professional developmentResumo
The teachers in their learning process, go through different stages. Of all these phases which we are most interested in this article is the one that begins with the first contacts with the reality of the school, assuming the role reserved for vocational teachers. Teacher induction is the time period covering the early years, in which teachers have to make the transition from students to teachers. It is a period of tension and intensive learning contexts and generally unknown during which the novice teachers should acquire professional knowledge in addition to ensuring a certain balance. Induction programs for novice teachers are a real alternative to further that the first years as teachers are not frustrating yearsDownloads
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Marcelo, C. (2009). The early stages of teaching: Teachers with good principles. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 13(1), 1–25. Obtido de