Las competencias socioemocionales y la gestión del aula del profesorado de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional
In recent years, a boost has been made to develop academic and transversal competences, such as socio-emotional ones, in the classroom. Projects such as Hand in Hand or the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning and educational laws such as LOMLOE, approved in Spain in December 2020, demonstrate the need to develop these skills in teachers to help them manage the classroom and promote these skills in your student body. In this work, the perceptions of the socio-emotional competences of an incidental sample of teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education, High School, and Professional Training are analyzed using an online questionnaire. From the results obtained, it is observed that the greater the perception of the active teachers in optimism, assertiveness, relationship, and emotional awareness, the greater the emotional autonomy. The positive relationship between emotional awareness and optimism and the expression of emotions is confirmed, the latter related to assertiveness. The teachers have a high perception of the self-efficacy of learning strategies and student involvement. Finally, the importance of developing socio-emotional competence programs for teachers is reaffirmed, a key element to achieving the personal and professional well-being of teachers in classroom management.