Análisis de la Actualidad de la Red de Formación Permanente del Profesorado en España. Percepción y Forma de Participación en Actividades Formativas a través de los Agentes Implicados




Permanent teacher training is intrinsically linked to an improve of the quality of the educational system with the support of the educational administrations. Thus, an updated and efficient permanent training network must respond to the training demands of teachers, mold itself and adapt to modern times. The transfer to the Spanish autonomous communities of the competences in education has generated a decentralized permanent training network with numerous differences, updates, and constant modifications where teacher training centers are the main representatives. In this work we reflect the current distribution of the permanent teacher training network in Spain represented by its teacher training centers. Subsequently, we detail an analysis related to the current specific perception of permanent training and the form of participation in training activities considering two samples at a national scale using two different profiles: teacher trainers/advisors and participant teachers. With regards to the first question, the differences between the different models in the different territories of our country are appreciable and clear. However, as we can see, the opinion reflected by the professionals of the network differs from that of its users.


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How to Cite

Salcedo López, D., & Cuevas López, M. (2022). Análisis de la Actualidad de la Red de Formación Permanente del Profesorado en España. Percepción y Forma de Participación en Actividades Formativas a través de los Agentes Implicados. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 26(2), 227–248.