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Vol. 26 No. 2 (2022): La transformación digital de la docencia universitaria, Articles, pages 125-140
Submitted: Jun 14, 2021 Accepted: Jul 20, 2022 Published: Jul 25, 2022
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As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital competence of teachers has become the backbone of education. Despite this, the studies carried out on it in Primary Education Teachers are still a minority. In order to fill the observed gap, this research examines the perceptions, beliefs and uses of 281 Primary Education Teachers aged between 21 and 51 years of age, from public, private and subsidized schools in the national territory, about the use of ICTs, participating through the completion of an ad hoc online questionnaire, the CDMEP. The results show that digital competence is inversely correlated with age, as well as its development being conditioned by years of professional experience, at the same time that statistically significant differences are evidenced based on gender. In the light of these findings, the limitations are discussed and new lines of future research are proposed.


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Mañanes Manrique, J., & García-Martín, J. (2022). Spanish Primary School Teacher’s digital competence in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 26(2), 125–140.