Ethics and context in second language testing: rethinking validity in theory and practice. M. Rafael Salaberry, Albert Weideman, and Wei-Li Hsu (2023). New York, Routledge, 248 Pages, ISBN 9781032471754




A resounding body of scholarship highlights the necessity of considering ethical concerns and social impacts of language tests and assessment practices in second language (L2) education (Brown & Harris, 2016; Davies, 2008; Fan et al., 2017). Without taking these issues into account, ensuring the right, reliable, and fair judgment is a tough task for L2 practitioners (Cohen, 2006; Gipps & Stobart, 2009). Inspired by the significance of ethics in L2 assessment, various studies have been done on the perceptions of stakeholders and common professional codes of ethics in the field of L2 education (Brown et al., 2020; Shohamy, 2020). Nevertheless, the situated nature of ethics across contextual particularities and in light of test validation theory has remained under-addressed. Urged to bridge this gap, Salaberry, Weideman, and Hsu (2023) compiled a handbook entitled “Ethics and Context in Second Language Testing: Rethinking Validity in Theory and Practice”, as a timely response to the need for a critical approach to L2 assessment. In so doing, they collected the voices of different stakeholders from different languages and contexts to comprehensively picture the status of social justice and equity in language education. The book, hence, provides an overview of key concepts, theories, and models of ethics and validity in language education and makes seminal suggestions for researching and practicing these constructs. This invaluable handbook is momentous for teachers, students, and researchers, especially those majoring in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and language policy and planning.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jing Wang, College of Foreign Studies, Liaoning University, China

Jing Wang was born in Hunan, China, in 1979. From 1997 to 2001, she studied in Xiangtan Normal College and received her bachelor’s degree in 2001. From 2001 to 2004, she studied in Dalian Maritime University and received her Master’s degree in 2004.From 2014 to 2019, she studied in Liaoning Normal University and received her Doctor’s degree in 2019.From 2004 to 2023, she worked in Liaoning Normal University. From September 2023 till now, she has been working in Liaoning University. She has published a total of 25 papers and 2 books. Her research interests are Teacher Education, Applied linguistics and Sino-British education exchange.


Brown, G. T., & Harris, L. R. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment. Routledge.

Cohen, J. (2006). Social, emotional, ethical and academic education: Creating a climate for learning, participation in democracy and well-being. Harvard Educational Review, 76(2), 201–237.

Davies, A. (2008). Assessing academic English testing English proficiency. Cambridge University Press.

Fan, X., Johnson, R., & Liu., X. (2017). Chinese university professors’ perceptions about ethical issues in classroom assessment practices. New Waves Educational Research & Development, 20(2), 1–19.

Gipps, C., & Stobart, G. (2009). Fairness in assessment. In C. Wyatt-Smith, & J. Joy Cumming (Eds.). Educational assessment in the 21st century (pp. 105–118). Springer.

Shohamy, E. (2020). The power of tests: A critical perspective on the uses of language tests. Routledge.


Basic Research Projects for Universities (Humanities and Social Sciences) of the Educational Department of Liaoning Province in 2022, A Comparative Study of Conceptual Metaphors in Chinese and British Environmental News Reports (LJKMR20221388).




Cómo citar

Wang, J. (2024). Ethics and context in second language testing: rethinking validity in theory and practice. M. Rafael Salaberry, Albert Weideman, and Wei-Li Hsu (2023). New York, Routledge, 248 Pages, ISBN 9781032471754. Porta Linguarum Revista Interuniversitaria De Didáctica De Las Lenguas Extranjeras, (42), 359–362.


